USC img

Student Worker in USC Viterbi School of Engineering

Mainly work for forward raytracing to simulate 5G signal

  Sep 1, 2022 - current

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  • Participated in 5G signal modeling and simulation group with professor Molisch.
  • Modeling the 5G signal by forward raytracing in C++.
  • Use multithread and optimization algorithm to build BVH with SAH, and construct visibility matrix.
  • Visualize the process with OpenGL.
  • Using TCP to enable Python to call C++ based algorithms.
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USC img

Graduate in USC

Major in EE, GPA: 3.94/4.0 (current)

  Jan 10, 2022 - Dec 10, 2023

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2022 Spring

EE-559Machine Learning I4.0A-
EE-510Linear Algebra4.0A
EE-503Probability for EE4.0A

2022 Fall

EE-538Computing Principles for EE2.0A
EE-541Introduction to Deep Learning2.0A
EE-660Machine Learning II4.0A

2023 Spring

EE-483Digital Signal Processing4.0IP
CSCI-420Computer Graphics4.0IP
  • IP: In Progress.
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CAU img

Research Assistant in CAU

  Aug 31, 2021 - Dec 15, 2021

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  • Participated in the Food Safety Research Group as a software developer.
  • Designed the back-end of the system to receive and processing the data.
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CAU img

Undergraduate in CAU

Major in CS, GPA: 3.72/4.0

  Sep 1, 2017 - Jul 1, 2021

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General Courses

Advanced MathCollege PhysicsInorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Discrete MathematicsPhysics ExperimentExperiment of Inorganic & Analytical Chemistry
Linear AlgebraPhysics & Everyday PhenomenaThe Development and Innovation Animal Science
Probability Theory  

Main Computer Course

ProgrammingTheory CoursesProfessional Courses 
C LanguageIntroduction to Computer SystemsData StructureComputer Networks
C++ LanguageComputing MethodAlgorithms Design and AnalysisDigital Image Processing
PythonDigital Electronic TechnologyComputer GraphicsSoftware Engineering
JavaAnalog Electronic TechnologyComputer Organization & ArchitectureComputer System Engineering
C# LanguageComputer Multimedia TechnologyDatabase Principle 
R Language Data MiningVirtual Reality TechnologyInterface Technology 
 Mathematics ModelingArtificial Intelligence 
 Compiling PrincipleOperating System 
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Other Courses

Other courses learned from online

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Operating system boot: This is my note.

Network Security: This is my note.

Signals and Systems: This is the course link.

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